Privacy Policy of Platinum Mzadat

We have established Platinum Mzadat to organize auctions in order to provide the best opportunities for its customers to facilitate the process of auctioning. The idea of arranging an auction was and still is a huge burden on companies and institutions because of its difficulty in organizing and the need for managing. Nonetheless, these difficulties have become in the past.

This app requests some permissions from users like CAMERA, STORAGE and INTERNET in order to provide better experience to the user. Platinum Mzadat OR the developers of Platinum Mzadat do not misuse the aforesaid permissions at all and do not sell any data of users to any third parties. The aforesaid data is collected for the following app functioning purposes only:

Camera is used to upload the users' profile photo and required identity document to use the app. Storage is used to upload users' profile photo from their device storage. And internet is used to use the application since the app is connected with online server and database.